Hi, thanks for visiting my webpage. My name is Daniel O'Meara, I'm an
author from Christchurch, New Zealand. I started writing poetry
in 2013, under the pen name Mantera Jones, while I was living
overseas in Germany (Berlin and partly in Potsdam) -- I published
my first poetry chapbook in 2016. I returned to NZ in 2017,
and published two more chapbooks the following year. You can find links
to electronic copies of these publications on the site. I'm working on
some new stuff at the moment, and will post more writing to the
webpage as I have it.
Notes on style:
In my poems I use stream-of-consciousness and what could be called
'objectivist' techniques, for want of a better term --
basically, including scientific jargon and other language
which doesn't really belong in poems to achieve weird artistic
effects, and to buck the trend of 'lyric' or 'ultra-subjective'
poetry, which has become all but ubiquitous in our time. Funnily
enough, poetry used to overlap with history, science and journalism,
so in a way this attempt to expand the bounds of poetry is just a
returning to earlier conceptions of the genre. Check out my
writings and judge the success of my literary experiments
for yourself -- I'm happy to hear constructive feedback or,
what is even better, for people to share examples of their
own work which demonstrate different approaches.
Although it will be obvious to anyone who takes a casual
interest in literature, for clarity's sake I
should stress that not all statements in the poems
reflect my personal opinion -- they may be relays
of popular or historical ideas, playing devil's advocate
within the context of a dialogue, or an expression of the
viewpoint of a real or fictional character. All these
elements are mixed together in poetry (so long as you
bear in mind that not all poetry is lyric poetry), and
the boundaries between the viewpoint of the author/narrator and other dramatis personae in the poem is
not always going to be clear. It is art. If you would
like to know my personal opinions on politics,
books or anything else, please look at what I post under
the 'criticism' section of the website.